Friday, November 05, 2010

Back Again

I have a wonderful sister-in-law, who along with my brother has created the cutest nephew a girl could ask for. My sister-in-law, Casey, is fantastically creative! And what better for a fantastically creative new mom to do than start her own blog. Which led to an admonishment from a proud Papa! Said admonishment was given to yours truly for not keeping up with my own blogging.

Apparently, all the updated pictures of my adorable nephew have left the grandparents in need of more pictures of their adorable (if I do say so myself) granddaughters. If nothing else, I feel very loved by the fact that my dad specifically asked me to update my blog so he could see pictures of the girls. Thank you, Casey, for giving me a reason to put up a blog post. :) It also gives me a reason to upload the more than THREE HUNDRED (yes that is correct 300+) pictures that have been hanging out on my digital camera for over EIGHT MONTHS. YIKES! Apparently, I've fallen down on more than one computer task.

So, without further ado...the girls

1 comment:

KC said...

Awww, you're too kind. Now let's see if we can both keep it up!