Saturday, October 11, 2008

Every. Single. Saturday.

Monday through Friday, Ella's alarm clock wakes the girls up at 6:30 AM. Monday through Friday, Brenna comes into my room and says in a mildly irritated tone, "That awarm cah-lock woke up dis morning." Every Friday night I go to sleep with the blissful notion that tomorrow is Saturday and the girls (and by default Scott and I) are going to be able to sleep late. But, every single Saturday Brenna wakes up at 5:30 or 6:00 in the morning! She came into my room this morning bawling at the top of her lungs. What is that? The one morning that nothing beeps to wake her up she wakes up earlier and crankier than any other morning of the week. It always takes several minutes to get her settled back into her bed with the notion of going back to sleep. The strangest part is, I go to bed every Friday night with that same blissful notion of uninterrupted sleep.


Homan House said...

After two full weeks of a diligent schedule of going to school, Megan has started this. Today, she woke us up at 7AM, and yesterday she came in and woke us up on a workday even before the alarm went off.... Aaaaarrrrggghhh. I had a blissfully happy to sleep in child!

Well at least there are naps, right??

Unknown said...

Albert Einstein once said “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”.