Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Puppets and Smashmallows

I just love the creativity of a two-year-old. This morning it was in the 40's when we walked Ella to school, so I put mittens on Brenna's hands. She stuck her hands in and said, "Mommy, are these my puppets?" She then proceeded to have her hands "talk" to one another. When we got home she asked me to take her puppets off her hands.

Another Brennaism is to eat smashmallows--known to the rest of the world as marshmallows. She does, in fact, love to smash them before she eats them, so the name is fitting.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Ella the Little Mommy

I was taking a shower this afternoon while the girls were outside playing. Ella came in while I was in the shower and got Brenna's 'ket out of my bed. A few minutes later she came back into the bathroom and said, "OK. Brenna is down for her nap."


Brenna was acting tired, so Ella got her out of her swing and brought her inside the house. Ella took Brenna to her bed, found Brenna a doll and her 'ket, and tucked her in for her nap. Brenna got out of bed once and Ella said to her, "Brenna, get back into bed. It's your naptime." Astonishingly, Brenna went back to bed. By the time I got out of the shower, Brenna was snoozing peacefully.

I don't know if I should be worried that Ella was so easily in charge or proud that she was sweet to Brenna and responsible towards her at the same time. Honestly, I am most astonished that Brenna did what Ella said. She must have been REALLY TIRED!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Brenna is a Big Girl!

Brenna was in a diaper all day on Saturday while we were out and about, and she only had one accident all day long. She asked to go the bathroom every other time she needed to go. She has been in panties every day since then! It was such an easy transition for her. I am so proud! She's still in diapers at nap and nighttime, but when she's awake she is in panties full time. Big Girl!!!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Beginning of Potty Training?

I tried to potty train Brenna few months ago, but she would not go in the potty. She could complete every step of the process with no assistance whatsoever, but she wouldn't actually GO. I put it on hold figuring we would try again at Christmas when she was out of school for several weeks.

She loves to wear this specific diaper that has Blue (from Blue's Clues) holding a toy airplane. Yesterday, Brenna's eyes suddenly got really big and she said, "UH-OH! I goin' in my airpane!" Then she proceeded to pull down her pants, rip of her diaper and declare, "See! It's all wet."

The closest thing was a pull-up, so I put her in a dry pull-up. There was absolutely no thought process to this action at all. It was most convenient.

About an hour later Brenna screamed, "I have to go tee-tee in the potty." She ran to the bathroom, climbed up on the stool, pulled down her pants and what do you know? She did it! WOO-HOO!!! Potty dance! I gave her a sucker for a reward. We sang the "You went tee-tee on the potty," celebration song.

About 45 minutes later, she did it all again. I put her in panties at that point just to see how she would do. Lo and behold, she stayed dry all morning. I put her in a pull-up for nap, but she did not want to sleep in it. When she woke up, I put her back in her panties. She didn't do quite so well. She had two accidents, but each time she stopped herself and finished in the potty.

This morning Scott tried to put her in panties for school, but she flat-out refused. She did however, go in the potty three times at school today. She had two accidents, and finished in the potty.

She's in panties at home again this afternoon. I'm cautiously optimistic. We might be saying good-bye, adios, ta-ta to diapers. That will mean that sippie cups are the last vestige of babyhood in my house. YEE HAW!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Every. Single. Saturday.

Monday through Friday, Ella's alarm clock wakes the girls up at 6:30 AM. Monday through Friday, Brenna comes into my room and says in a mildly irritated tone, "That awarm cah-lock woke up dis morning." Every Friday night I go to sleep with the blissful notion that tomorrow is Saturday and the girls (and by default Scott and I) are going to be able to sleep late. But, every single Saturday Brenna wakes up at 5:30 or 6:00 in the morning! She came into my room this morning bawling at the top of her lungs. What is that? The one morning that nothing beeps to wake her up she wakes up earlier and crankier than any other morning of the week. It always takes several minutes to get her settled back into her bed with the notion of going back to sleep. The strangest part is, I go to bed every Friday night with that same blissful notion of uninterrupted sleep.