Friday, September 05, 2008

Riding the Bus

Ella sprang it on me this morning that she wants to ride the bus home from school. YIKES! I'm so not ready for this independence. However, I found her bus number and sent her to school with a note to let the teacher know she'd be riding the bus.

Here comes the bus!

Here she is this afternoon getting off.

She loved riding the bus, but I really missed picking her up after school. She told me that she's going to ride the bus every day and the mornings too. I vetoed the morning idea. She has to be ready quite a bit earlier, and I wouldn't get to walk her to school. I'm going to let her ride in the afternoons if she wants, but I hope the novelty wears off soon. I really missed picking her up from school today.


The Bouldins said...

Oh my. Brave girl. (Brave mama, too)

The Johnson Family said...

You get huge credit from me!! Madie is in the third grade, and has yet to ride the bus!