Thursday, September 25, 2008

Handwriting, Reading, Dinner and Dessert

Ella has been complaining that she doesn't want to go to school because it is boring. The teacher and I met this afternoon to have a conference and try to figure out how to help Ella develop a positive attitude about school. By talking to Ella and talking with each other we've learned three things.

1. Ella loves to read, and she loves anything to do with reading.
2. Ella is a little overwhelmed by her choices with math stations.
3. Ella hates handwriting practice because it is "boring and too hard."

Handwriting usually occurs first thing in the morning, so Ella is reluctant to go to school because she knows she has to start her day with the task she finds least enjoyable. After school, I was talking to her about it and I said, "You know, the good thing about handwriting being in the morning is that you know that as soon as it's over, the rest of your day is filled with stuff that you like to do more."

Ella said, "Kind of like dinner and dessert. I don't always like to eat dinner, but I have to eat a good dinner to eat dessert. So handwriting is like dinner, and reading is like dessert."


Unknown said...


Tricia said...

What a smart girly girl! I'm glad that she made that connection! Sounds like the Lord is giving you great wisdom, and that Ella has an awesome teacher!

Kami said...

Smart girl to relate her writing to dinner. She's so funny. "It's boring" lol Jana, you're a good mommy!