Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sleeping In

Morning after morning the girls have complained about how tired they were. They have complained about how dark it was outside. They have complained about having to get out of their warm beds at 6:30 in the morning.

YAY! It's Saturday. We can all sleep in late. We can all stay in our warm beds. We can sleep until the sun has risen. So how late did the girls sleep you ask? Until the beautiful hour of 5:30 in the morning. It's such a shame they have to get up so early for school (please note that the sarcastic tone).


The Bouldins said...

Were there cartoons involved? Because waking up for cartoons on a Saturday is completely different from waking up for school on a weekday! :)

Jana Griffin said...

Cartoons were NOT involved. Lots of whining and crying for the rest of the day, but no cartoons.