Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Older and Wiser?

Not so much...

At the age of five, I thought there was no way she would do it. I thought for sure we had escaped this particular "rite of passage" at least with Ella. I thought she wanted long hair enough to NOT cut it herself. Oh how wrong a parent can be about things.

It doesn't look too bad from the front:

It is much more obvious from the sides:

Ella was down the street playing with our neighbors, and they all got into the scissors. I've been sick all week, and I was laying down for a nap while Ella was down there. She came home to wake me up and ask, "Does my hair look different?" I was quite irritated that she woke me up to ask about her hair that looked exactly the same. I was quite a bit more irritated when I realized that it did indeed look quite different! Scott has taken her to the hair salon to get it fixed. I'll post her new haircut as soon as I have the pictures.

The silver lining is that I've been wanting to get her hair cut for months. She wanted it long. I wanted it short. I was letting her grow it out since it is her hair. Natural consequences being what they are, I'm getting my way now.

Here's the new do:

And a side view of the side that was the worst:


KenziKat said...

If that first picture isn't the most truly pathetic thing I've ever seen :( !!!!!! Poor Ella ... and I hate to be the one to break it to ya, girlfriend ... but they don't ever seem to outgrow that "bad decisions" phase ... breathe deeply, sometimes it helps!!

Homan House said...

Ella looks so SAD!!! But we like the new cute haircut Ella!

Megan is jealous of how much hair you STILL have!

Bloggin' Robin said...

Let Ella get a view of Mason's latest haircut. It's on our BLOG - it might make ehr feel better! However, she is beautiufl with any haircut!! Missed you today at the big FBCK egg hunt! All is well here!

Bloggin' Robin said...

Geez! I hope whoever wrote the above comment will take some typing lessons! The spelling is horrible!

Bloggin' Robin said...

Here's a new BLOG I thought you would enjoy -

A Team said...

WOW... that was a BIG CHUNK... Avery cut hair when she was little.. she cut Aidan and Addie's but not her own...

Her hair cut looks cute!

Bloggin' Robin said...

Oh, Jana, where are you????

I'm Tara. said...

Jana - I remember seeing the before's but not the after's. SO cute!!! Can you tell I'm a little behind in my blog reading??? Almost as far as you are with posting. Give us some new material, friend. :)