Friday, December 09, 2005

Please Hang Up and Try Again

Ella picked up the phone in the office today and asked who was on the phone. I told her no one and to hang up the phone. A few seconds later she starts having a conversation.

"Hello friendly operator. How are you? Oh, OK. Friendly operator, please hang up and try again. Just tell your friend to hang up, cause I'm just on the phones with our friends. Well, I just want to dial you. Are you coming home to see me? Well, just remember me if you want to come. Well, share your wagon with me. I'll just play with it when you come home.

Well, hello McKenzie. I don't want to dial you until Thursday. Well OK. Bye McKenzie"

By the way, I have no idea who she knows named McKenzie.

I was laughing so hard! Really, laughing isn't a good thing when I want to teach her to not play with the phone, but it was so funny!

1 comment:

KenziKat said...

That is just the cutest! Perhaps she's heard you say Mackenzie's name and just remembered it for some reason? I'd like to think she considers Mackenzie her friend, LOl!