Thursday, October 27, 2005

Introducing our new baby....

The so-so news first. My ultrasound was so early (17w 5d) that they couldn't get the proper view of the upper lip (to check for a cleft) or the aortic valve (to check for a healthy heart). Because of that we have to go back in 4 weeks for another ultrasound to make sure that everything is indeed developing correctly. I'm not too concerned. I really think that because the baby is so little they just couldn't get what they needed. Apparently about 20 to 25% of all ultrasounds get redone for a better look. We did talk worst case scenarios with the doctor. I would rather be prepared with the info in advance than have it sprung on me in 4 weeks, but we will know more then.

Now, onto the GOOD news!!!!!

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I am pleased to introduce Brenna! We are still discussing middle names, but more than likely it will be Brenna Corinne--Anne, Nicole and Joy are also on the list.

Ella has been insisting for almost the entire time that it was a sister, but had very recently (as in the past couple of days) changed her mind. I had thought it was a boy the entire time. When they told us it was a girl, Ella started crying! LOL! Once we reminded her how much fun all of our friends who are sisters have together she came around. I think all of us felt a little bit of disappointment because we had talked about it being a boy so much. I am thrilled Ella will have a sister, but a bit disappointed I might not ever have a boy. I think I would have been thrilled if it was a boy, but a bit disappointed that Ella wouldn't have a sister. LOL!!! I am now really excited that Ella is going to have a sister.

We decided to go ahead with the 3D. Because we did it this time, they will do a second one for us next time without charging us. So hopefully we will have even better pictures in four weeks. She doesn't have much fat right now so the pictures look a bit alien.

Here's the face:
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Here's her face and body:
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Here is her 2D profile:
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She kept opening and closing her mouth like she was yawning. It was so cute!

And here are her "parts" in 3D and 2D:
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