Sunday, June 12, 2005

A nursery rhyme

There was a little girl,
Who had a little curl,
Right in the middle of her forehead
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And when she was good,
She was very, very good.
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And when she was bad,
She was AWEFUL!
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All things Papa -- according to Ella

Here are two cute things Ella has said about Papa (my dad) lately.

I was whistling the other day and Ella said, "NO! Only Papa's whistle!"

Then a few days later, Scott called Ella sweet pea. She said, "NO! Don't say sweet pea. Papa says sweet pea." We both wondered why she said he called her sweet pea, because we neither one recall hearing him say that. So Scott asked her, "Does Papa really call you sweet pea?" She answered, "No, Papa calls me honyock." We both laughed when she revised her statement because we KNOW that one is true.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Reading with Grandma (picture only)

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I paint the sun pretty

Ella finger painted the other day. She had a blast getting that messy. We used SEVERAL sheets of newsprint and almost the entire bottles of red and yellow fingerpaint. Ella told me, "I paint the sun pretty." Here's pictures of her creations.

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Tea Time with Ella

I mentioned the other day that Ella has started drinking tea with me in the mornings. Here's a picture of our morning tea time together.

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Cute names for mundane objects

Just like all children, Ella has a few of her object names messed up. Here are a few of the really cute ones:

A camera is called "a smile" in Ella-speak.

The tape measure is "the measure my foot." She will sit on the floor and measure the length and the width of her feet. We have no idea why she started calling it that.

The remote control is "the comosher." The only thing I can figure is that she hears the syllables, but just can't put them into the right order.

I talk incessently

I was on the phone today (I believe with my mom), and she said something about hearing Ella talking non-stop in the background. I said, "Oh, she talks incessently." I hear Ella's little baby voice say behing me (pronouncing every syllable correctly), "I talk incessently." Two year olds should NOT have the verbal ability to repeat long words like that. LOL! Hearing her say that in her little baby voice had me laughing.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

It's been a long day!

The other morning we were drinking our morning tea. Ella now insists that she drink some hot tea with me every morning. Thank goodness I already was drinking decaffinated tea! The other morning as we were sipping our tea, Ella announces in the most serious voice, "(sigh) It's been a LONG day, Mommy!" It was 9:30 in the morning! LOL! What on earth could prove to be LONG about 9:30 in the morning for a two-year-old? Scott was working at home that day, and we both died laughing.

Friday, June 03, 2005

E-L-E-L-E-L-A spells "star"

This morning during breakfast Ella asked me to "spell the name 'inside.'" I assumed she wanted me to spell the word (who knows why?), and so I did so. Then we spelled her name, moon, star, cow and a few other words. A few minutes later I was cleaning up the kitchen and I hear Ella say "E-L-E-L-E-L-A spells star." I was quite impressed that she even got the letters to one of the words we had spelled in some way correct, and I thought it was quite cute that the letters in no way spell star! LOL!