Thursday, June 28, 2007
Friday, June 22, 2007
Brenna's 15 month Checkup
Brenna is growing up so fast! Ella's babyhood went by fast, but Brenna's seems to be going by a warp speed. I can't believe she's already 15 months old. She is 30 1/2 inches tall, which is around the 60th percentile. She weighs 19 lbs 15.5 ounces. The nurse joked that she's as close to 20 pounds as you can possibly be and still be missing the mark. The good news is that she has finally gained the appropriate amount of weight between appointments. She had been dropping in percentiles every time we went for a check up, but this time she actually increased her growth curve up to the 5th percentile. She's very tall and skinny.
Her verbal skills are increasing almost every day. She will readily sign both milk and more, but she isn't all that interested in learning more signs. She is trying her hand at new words on an almost daily basis. She says, "Hi, Dada, Ella, tat (cat), no-no, nigh-nigh (night-night)." Every single animal that she sees is a tat. She can mimic the proper sounds for dog, duck and fish, but she insists on calling them tat when she sees them. Today she added diedah (diaper) to her vocabulary. She also talks very emphatically and with great facial expression in a language we have dubbed "Brennese." She obviously has something very important to say, unfortunately no one but Brenna understands her language.
She readily gives hugs and kisses complete with a mmm-wah and oooooo sound! She loves to dance and gives her shoulders a shimmy shake on command. Ella loves to egg her on which I'm sure helps Brenna learn her new tricks. We are all really enjoying the development of her personality.