Monday, December 04, 2006

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Fall Leaves

It seems we have now made a tradition of taking pictures in the beautiful fall leaves. As you can tell, we had a wonderful time playing in our front yard in the beautiful autumn weather.

Apple Pickin'

Earlier this fall we went apple pickin'. It was so much fun to see Ella get so excited over all the apples. Even though they were everywhere, she acted like each one was a priceless treasure.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Friday, September 01, 2006

Brenna's First Cereal

I was planning on waiting until Brenna was six months old to start her on cereal, but she had a different plan in mind. The other day we were eating lunch and she would throw her hands above her head and lean over towards Ella's food trying to grab it. When Ella would take a bite, Brenna would whimper. We decided that it was time to feed the poor child.

She really liked her food. Once she got a taste of it, she started crying between every bite. The feeding went like this: WWWWAAAAAAHHHHHH....MMMMMmmmmmm, mmmmm, mmmmmm... WWWWAAAAAAHHHHHH....MMMMMmmmmmm, mmmmm, mmmmmm.... WWWWAAAAAAHHHHHH....MMMMMmmmmmm, mmmmm, mmmmmm! She is a very neat eater though. I guess she wants to make sure she gets every last drop of food into her mouth.

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Brenna and Grandma

My grandma sure does love her great grandchildren!

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Graffiti Artist

Several members of my family went out to the Cadillac Ranch to spray paint the cars. Ella really enjoyed herself.

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And after 40 years my parents are still in love! It does a daughter's heart good. LOL
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Sleeping Beauty

I've decided I must really love sleeping baby pictures, because we have a ton of them. Here are a few of Brenna.

Papa makes such a good bed...
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Is that a Daddy in love or what?
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And my personal favorite. She really is asleep under there.
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Bubble Fun

On our recent trip to visit Granny and Papa, Ella was blowing some bubbles on the deck. I can't believe how fast she is growing up. Last summer she wasn't able to do this on her own!

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Sweet Sisters

These are the first professional pictures I had made of the girls. Brenna is 4 months old.

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