Thursday, August 25, 2005

First OB appointment for the new baby

The appointment was LONG, long, long and boring. We were there for THREE hours before it was all said and done.

I had to take the glucose test. They usually don't give it this early, so I'm guessing I had to take it because of my weight. It wasn't nearly as bad as I had heard. This was the first time I had to take it, and I wasn't prepared in advance at all. With Ella I got to drink 8 ounces of grape juice. The nurse just showed up with the cup and said "drink this as fast as you can so it's over." It wasn't too aweful.

The best part of the appointment was that Ella got to squirt the gel on my belly and help the doctor move the doppler around. We didn't hear the baby's heartbeat because it is so early, but he wanted to reward her for being such a good girl the whole time we were there. Ella was a beautifully behaved little girl for the entire three hours! I was very proud of her. All in all, it was a completely uneventful appointment.

We go in for our next appointment on September 21. We will be able to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time at that appointment.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

In Your Head

Ella has been watching Monster's Inc., and she had stopped sleeping at night. She was convinced a monster was going to come get her. After several rough nights, we decided that it was time to buy a different movie so that we could put something else "in her head."

I bought her Mary Poppins. Ella asked about the new movie. I told her, "We are buying Mary Poppins so you can watch it over and over and get Sully Bear out of your head, and you can start sleeping through the night."

Later that day Ella and I had a funny conversation.

E: "Mommy can I watch Mary Poppins and get the sleepers in my head."
J: "The sleepers in your head? Is that what you said?"
E: "Yes. I want the sleepers in my head."
J: "Ella, what does that mean?"
E: "You know. Sully Bear is in my head, and I need the sleepers in my head."

I guess she understands even more of what I tell her than I think she does! And yes, I did let her watch Mary Poppins.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Yes, Ma'am and a mispronunciation

Ella doesn't quite understand the nuances of saying, "yes, ma'am." She has answered her Daddy several times today by saying, "Yes, ma'am, Daddy." LOL! We keep trying to explain he's a sir and mommy is ma'am, but it just isn't sinking in yet.

We also had another cute mispronunciation today. Her lemon was pelicious!

Friday, August 19, 2005

She talks like such an adult

I'll get the bad one out of the way first. We walked into the garage and Ella bumped into the car. She turned and hit it and said, "Stupid car!" Scott asked her where she had heard that word and the little imp says, "Mommy." ARG!!! I guess I must have called something stupid. It is just so hard to watch what you say all day long every single day.

Today she said to me, "Please have a seat." I also heard her saying, "Pssst. Listen up, you," and "Oh man!"

The final one made me one proud mommy. We have been trying to break the uh-huh/uh-uh habit. This morning she said uh-huh, and I corrected her by saying, "Say 'Yes, Mommy.'" She said, "Yes ma'am, Mommy." Then a few minutes later she fell, and I asked her if she was OK. She said, "Yes ma'am. I'm OK."

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Chocolate Cake and Regular Milk

Ella and Granny were eating chocolate cake tonight. Granny said to Ella, "The best type of milk to drink with chocolate cake is white milk--regular milk." Ella looked at Granny and in a very serious voice said, "No. It's chocolate milk, and it's brown."